Friday, May 25, 2012

98 in the shade or why i love folkie boot camp...

dateline - kerrville texas

made it.  been set up at camp nashbill for a couple of days, now.  man, did i ever need this.

i'm still kind of reeling from my mother's passing.  even though there is all the logical "she had been so sick for so long" and "hell, she hasn't known who i was for several years and wasn't sure who she was for the past year or so", all of which leads to "she's in a better place".......

and i'm sure she is, her faith in such things was pretty strong.  we all find the healing we need where and when we need it.  

once all the funeral hoo hah was over and the last car with the last seen long ago relative had departed the restaurant my brothers and i were left with........"well, shit, mom's dead and i'm incredibly sad...sad for all the questions that will never be answered, at least not here...sad for the way she left this world (angry and confused)...sad that, hell i'm 64 years old and my mom is dead..."

time, brothers and sisters....time.  i need to learn to show it a little more respect. 
so here i sit in the kerrville, texas, blessedly air conditioned and free wi-fied public library.  had a wonderful night of music, both listening and i said, we all find the healing we need where and when we need it.  sometimes we have to drive a few lonely hours pondering the state of the universe to reach our destination, get out of the car only to be engulfed by the healing powers of friends and their amazingly wonderful musicial hearts...

(hmmmm, is crying allowed in libraries?)

i love you all very much.

here's a shot of my good pal matt harlan kicking off the kerrville festivities with a great set.

so much more great music to come....

listening to.....well, everybody!